
Late Night Screenplaying

My sister has been accepted at the Bonifatius College, which my mom so lovely yelled way to early in the morning at around 11. She was calling my name from down the stairs, and first I thought that something was wrong, like a fire. Not such a pleasant way to start the day.

I got dressed, deciding that I was going to work on my Japanese. When I was working on memorizing some more  Hiragana characters my mom got home. Together we took care of some financial business that has everything to do with me turning eighteen in 13 days. We also ordered the school books for next year. Next year  I won't have to borrow the art history book of my teacher anymore.  My mom did most of the stuff, though. The only real thing I did was posting a letter for school.

It was an other hot day today. When I went outside to post that letter I nearly melted. After all that fuss was out of the way I resumed my Japanese. I looked up some Japanese picture books to memorize the characters better and to get a better grip on grammar. I didn't get to the grammar part, but it really helped me with remembering the Hiragana characters and some Katakana characters. There were only a few words on each page, and there weren't that many pages. I loved it. For the rest I watched a few more episodes of Lost Girl which was fun.

When the sun had set I decided to work on some screenplay for my movie. I was inspired by the song 'Marriage D'amour' by George Davidson, which is actually derived from Chopin's 'Spring Waltz'. They are practically identical. It has a beautiful melodies played by the piano. I also found a violin version but I liked the piano versions better. While listening to the music I sketched a scene of a couple sitting around a campfire, and the guy asks the girl to dance. They then dance under the stars to the Spring Waltz. Probably super clichee, but I really like it so far. It might be that Lost Girl is influencing me with all the romance involved in that show.

Today was quite a productive, if only slightly boring day. Nothing besides studying, writing, drawing, and watching Lost Girl. Of course all with music, save for the series watching. I wanted to watch the newest episode of Naruto Shippuden, but it wasn't there. There's supposed to be a new episode every Thursday, which it is, but nope.

I managed to make scrambled eggs without any burnt pieces today. I'm like super proud because normally I always burn eggs when I try to frie them. Once they go black they never go back, unfortunately. I tried to sell my last piece of cake to my sister, but she didn't want to buy it. Now it's sitting on my bureau next to the shoe boxes that I use as targets during knife throwing and archery. 
I really need to wash my work outfit. I have to work again on Saturday, but if I'm quick I could get it dry before that, hopefully.

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