
A Clean Floor Once Again

Yesterday at the New Years party Tas, the Greek guy, noticed that I wasn't wearing high heels like I did at the Christmas party I attended at the hostel. He's a stay-in worker there. He so gracefully pointed out that when I was in high heels I walked like I had shit myself. I felt pretty embarrassed about that fact, but I didn't really care. After all, he was right. It actually gave me a good laugh.

I finally vacuum cleaned my room and the connecting hallway. It took me like two hours; I was very thorough, and I'm really happy with the result. After I was done it felt as if someone had set my muscles on fire because I had been hunched over the entire time. Not a very comfortable position to be in for two hours. After proudly admiring the fruits of my efforts, I let myself fall on my bed with popping bones. With every "pop" I felt like someone was putting needles in my bones. It was so worth it, though. My floor looks fabulous!

I have two new batches of laundry that need to be put in the drying tower. On top of that I need to take out the dried cloths, and fold them. Luckily I confiscated two sets of five tea bags. I'm almost out of apple tea; my favorite taste. Strawberry and lemon, not as tasty as apple, but nice nonetheless.

Today I noticed that I had two voicemail messages. I finally managed to open them and one of them was from my boss, Paul, asking me to work on Friday. First I thought it was him asking me to work on New Years Eve, but it New Years Eve is not on a Friday. Now I'm confused if he is asking me to work on this Friday, or if it is an outdated message I didn't read in time that is about a Friday from the past. I'm really bad with dates and often get them mixed up.

I had some deep thoughts while being, yes, in the shower. Then my mom interrupted me by yelling that I was taking to long and the radiator doesn't work while I'm taking a shower. There was some stuff after that but I couldn't hear it because of the noise of the water splashing. So, I was being al philosophical, and then I made a bubble beard, and a bubble mustache, because why not?

Yesterday in the middle of the night, leaning more towards morning, I cleaned the four glasses that had contained my orange scent candles. I washed all the remaining wax out of them to make them look pretty again. I put the red scent candles in them that Cora gave me during Christmas at her place. You see, she gave me two boxes of four scent candles. Four red candles, and four brown ones. They fit perfectly in the containers of my burned out orange scent candles so that was very convenient.  I haven’t lit them yet, though.

I've been searching Fanfiction.net for some good literature on the movie I Am Number Four, but it has a very small fan base, apparently, if the amount of stories on Fanfiction.net is anything to go on. I also read the last chapter of the Sherlock fanfiction I have been reading these past weeks: A Debt To Be Repaid by luna-proeliator. The sequel is coming out next week and I'm so excited about it. I totally recommend anyone who's a Sherlock fan to read it. You can read it here. Here is the full summery given by the author to give you an idea of the story:

“I have never owed anyone anything in my life except for her. I owe her, and for years, I’ve kept a particular room in my mind palace just for her: to remind myself every once in a while, I still owe the insignificant woman.” Three times Ginevra Lorraine and Sherlock Holmes have met in their school days before going their separate ways. Thee times neither will forget ending in Sherlock believing he owed her a debt, Jen believing she owed him a debt, and a secret held that could ruin the both of them. 

Days wore on followed by years, and they met again in London. She was slipping and falling and trying to get a steady hand on her sanity, but homicidal madness crept in her mind and wore her down as she tried to keep her normal life, normal job, normal facade. He was bored, dreadfully so. Nothing entertained him long enough to be of interest. But it was all about to change. Was she the excitement and intrigue he needed, and was he the steady hand she needed to keep her from being the demon she could become? Could they keep the secret of the past away from the weary eye long enough? Could they settle their debt once and for all? Only time knows.

There is still a giant cigarette laying on my couch. I should really do something with that. I thought about hanging it on my wall with tacks and perhaps a bit of string to hold it in place. I made it for my mom for Sinterklaas as a surprise because she stopped smoking. I remember spending two hours in the bloody rain trying to find her a scarf, because of course she wanted a scarf, and of course I had to procrastinate until the last moment to buy one. Eventually I did find one, and she loved it, and that was enough to make up for all the trouble I went through to buy the damn thing. The guy who was selling it only accepted cash, so I had to, somehow, get cash money. Fortunately I worked it out eventually and managed to get the money.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak


  1. *tries to figure out how to make a moustache emoticon, failing after 5 minutes of hard work...*

  2. :/
    I hate my derpy self some times.I mean,the moustache was looking me in the eye :P
