
Hot Pockets

I got my shot today. The doctor's assistant, or more the lady behind the counter, gave it to me. I went with my mom because she had to get her shot too, and because I was scared shitless. It was actually hurt more after the shot than during it, which strikes me as odd, really. But that could just be me.

Today was my time to shine during PE. I came fifteen minutes early and made this whole plan on paper which, if I must say so myself, sucked and would probably have failed with flying colors, but luckily Tamara showed u. She had this whole thing planned out and she filled me on the rules of the sport. We also talked about who was going to say what.

It went quite well. People were calm although this kid from our class kept treating the smaller handballs like footballs. That boy is such an annoying brat, not just during PE. I did the introduction and the warming up, and Tamara did the exercises and explained the rules with me. We had a couple of matches with three groups of five people. Tamara joined one of those teams while I picked up the whistle, acting as referee. 

At the end the PE teacher graded Tamara with 'Great', and I was graded as 'Fine'. I thought it was so unfair, although I knew it was maybe a bit fair. I wanted to have a 'Great' Too, but noooo I get a 'Fine'. I did 'Fine', not great. I have high standards of myself and I can't stand the idea that someone did better than me while I tried just as hard. It's no my fault I've never held a handball before and that we went with her plan and not mines, making it appear as if she did all the work.

I cycled home to dump my training clothes and then I did something really stupid. I dumped the stuff on the table and walked out of the door, closing it behind me. When I reached for my pocket I made the shocking discovery that I had just locked myself out of my own house. I couldn't unlock my bike either. After some general gestures of "I'm stupid" frustrated gestures I readjusted my bag and abandoned my bike.

On my way I also picked up the book I ordered from the Bruna. Honestly I expected it to be bigger, but I love it none the less. It's called 'I Am Number Four' From the Lorien Legacies. I already read the introduction chapter and I am now at the beginning of chapter one. I think I'm going to read a few pages every evening before I go to bed after sipping my tea. That would be such a fancy ritual. Very classic, the whole "Sipping my tea and reading a book before bed" thing.

I arrived 15 minutes late and my bag was killing me. It's pretty heavy. I explained it to the janitor and he wouldn't give me a note saying "Late with reason". I was so dignified. The one time I have a reason to be late he won't give me a note. I ended the conversation before I was going to yell at him because it is actually a really nice man. I took off up the stairs and he called "And please take off your hat!" behind me. It didn't improve my mood.

I reached classroom 670; the computer classroom and the place where I had computer science that hour, and they had left the door wide open. There went my silent approach. I stood there awkwardly for just a second, then I walked in. I saw Mr Endert entering the hallway after me, eyeing me with a surprised expression. 

I'm always a saint in the classroom so it generally surprises teachers when they see my record on getting late. I did tell him 'I am always late' on Monday, though. I sometimes see him in the hallway at the top floor where I have biology, computer science and art when I'm late. Makes me wonder what he was doing there.

Computer science was frustrating today. We had to do some stuff and I didn't get. When I was almost finished with the assignments, we already had to begin with the practical assignment. It was also arranged that instead of waiting an hour for the next computer science lesson we got it right after the first one so we would be free one hour earlier. Normally we would be having physics that hour, but it got dropped from the schedule because of reasons previously mentioned.

I didn't get to finish my assignments, or the practical assignment. At the end I was really frustrated because the practical assignment was so unclear and we had two classes in one classroom the last hour and it was just total chaos. I couldn't ask Mr Elsenaar anything because he was preoccupied with the other class and watching YouTube videos on fast cars. Those two hours were the most unproductive hours of today, unfortunately. The subject we are dealing with is great, though. We're working with programming now, which is mighty fancy.

After the bell rang we evacuated the classroom. I wasn't happy with the fact that I would have to walk home again with a backpack that weights a ton. I stopped at the Plus and got myself two hot pockets for one euro. The Plus has these special standard offers on particular day. Today was 'hot pocket' day. I ate the warm meal under the cover of the nearby cinema. It was raining and I didn't want my food to go soggy on me.

I stood there, eating my hot pockets and suddenly this old couple walks up to us. I was not the only one with the idea of 'Hey, let's take cover at the cinema because it's raining', there were three other people with me. This couple tries to open the doors to the cinema, but they're locked. Apparently it was going to open in twenty minutes or so at half four. I initially thought it was just closed today.

The hot pocket were amazing. I loved them so much that I went back for a second pair. I put these in my backpack and hurried home to eat them there. It was still raining and I didn't want to stand under the cover again. Thirty minutes later I rang the bell and no one opened the door. I unpacked my hot pockets and started munching on one of them. It was still raining, but I didn't care. My bike was still standing where I left it.

My mom opened the door for me after she got back from whatever she got back from. I gave her a bite from my hot pockets and showed her my new book. She thought it was a pocket edition. It does sort of look like it. I ate my hot pockets and then ascended the stairs to my room. After doing something I can't remember I went to bed to take a short nap. turned out that short nap was six hours. I hope that B12 injection will take effect soon.

I read some fanfiction, drank some tea, munched on some biscuits, well actually quite a lot of biscuits, and listened to music. I still have to do mathematics for tomorrow, but I'm just too tired. I'm going to bed now.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak

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