
ClaireQuiem Sunday


With ClaireQuiem and tea!

My sister has a blog too, apparently, by the name ClaireQuiem. I'm currently sitting in her room hearing her rant about the size of her header picture; it's too big and she's trying to make it smaller. Her ignorance is stunning sometimes. I left a comment on her blog as Anonymous and she honestly believed it was just some random person. She didn't pay attention to the fact that a certain someone liked all her posts 10 seconds prior to the comment. I wrote that her posts look like a wall of text, which earned me a pout. I should win an Emmy for the acting.

I've been helping her to configure her blog the past hour, and she's complaining about me leaving the door open, saying "It's going to be minus two in here!". Right. I would help her with a banner. It was not wide enough so I was going to unleash some fancy art skills on it to stretch it out  without distorting the image. What I was going to do is copy a bit of the image, paste that along the empty space and then blur it out so it gives a cool effect, but she fixed it before I could do that.

I linked my sister's blog in my blog, expecting her to do the same for me, but no. She doesn't have a page list and so far we haven't been successful in adding one either. The bloody thing is just invisible or something. It doesn't show up in the page division, even though it says it's already added. Quite frustrating.

I finally obtained a container for my sugar; it's actually a tea pot set my mom gave me this evening. It's super fancy, and the first thing I thought was: 'They'll never suspect a thing...'.  Sugar in a tea pot set and all.

I woke up at around 3 PM; I had been up till around 4 AM last night. I read a few pages from that Java For Dummies book my Computer Science teacher loaned me. I really need to start taking notes. I stopped at the page where you actually had to be behind a computer. I couldn't be arsed to get up and type in "Static void, something args []; curly bracket". I'll get to that later.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak