
New Years Eve

With a lot of tea and stuff exploding in the streets!

Well, I'm leaving with the rest of my family in 22 minutes to go to my mom's friend's place to celebrate new year. Some other people might come too.

At 10 AM fireworks were officially legal, resulting in me hearing stuff going of every second. It gives a really apocalyptic feeling, and I love that. I'm dressed in my favorite clothes. They are so comfortable and I want to be as comfortable as possible on this evening. It's Old Years Eve after all. I'm not going to look fancy for the crowd. I'll be bringing my camera to take photos and film this evening.

Apparently I missed a call from my work yesterday, why do they always call at times my phone's dead? Ah well, if they were going to ask for me to work this evening I was going to say no anyway. I heard my boss always goes into party mode on News years Eve; giving away random things and holding quizzes. It sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe I'll be there someday.

I've been very unproductive today, just sipping my tea like an old man, and putting washed underwear into my drying tower for it to dry. My mom's vacuum cleaner has been sitting in my room for the past two days, so I should really start using it. My floor is a mess; it really needs to be vacuum cleaned. That's why one night when I was bored I dragged the thing to the second floor where my room resides. I never got to actually vacuum cleaning it, though. I am such a procrastinator.

The whole 'new year' thing hasn't sunk in yet, still. To be honest I just want it to be over, but at the same time I really want to see the streets turn into a apocalyptic war scene for me to take pictures of and film. I often contradict my statements. An other year has passed and I feel like all that time has gone to waste. Maybe that's why I feel so down about it.

I have this feeling in my stomach of excitement and anticipation. Like right before you have a talk in front of 30 people. Only 24 more hours until episode one of season 3 of Sherlock; The Empty Hearse airs on BBC one. I'm so looking forward to that, maybe even more than the fireworks that will go off this evening.

My sister says she is going to become so wasted because as of tomorrow she can't drink for an other 7 months with this new law and all. I'm not going to hit the bottle since I don't drink. I rather enjoy myself some of that fancy alcohol free champagne. It's like apple juice with bubbles. 

For some reason I have to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I hate it. Maybe I've had too much tea.

Well, that is my day so far. How is yours?

- knetterzak