
Late Night Doodling

When I woke up I didn't want to wake up at all. I just wanted to sleep. I kept hitting the snoze button on my alarm till 12:10; half an hour before I had to leave for work.

Work was pretty chaotic today. Paul wanted to get a lot of stuff done and all of a sudden he starts inspecting my work. It was uncomfortable and made it hard to focus, making me mess up on some stuff; making me look like an ignorant fool towards my boss. Normally we are done fifteen minutes after closing time, and we close at six o'clock. But we weren't done. We were fifteen minutes late. I have known better days. On the bright side, I got to chat with a few co-workers throughout the day, and at the end of the day I was the person with the most experience of us all. I felt all proud.

After work I went straight to the Albert Heijn, a grocery store right next to my work. It closes at 22:00, so that's convenient for those people who have to work till 18:15. I grabbed myself some Hero Fruit Today, which is quite nice, and went on my merry way home. I wanted fruit drink, and I wanted it now. So, after I got home I got a glass and poured myself some multi fruit goodness. It was good, I drank almost the entire one Liter bottle.

I stayed downstairs for a little until my mom's friend; Frans, came over. That's when I retreated upstairs and made myself a cup of tea. I played Minecraft for a bit, chatted with people on Skype, and then I started listening to Doctor Who soundtracks on YouTube. Murray Gold is such a good composer, his scores on Doctor who are golden.

Now it's one in the morning and I have no idea what I should do and I'm bored out of my mind. I'm tired, but I don't want to go to bed because that is a waste of time, but I also don't want to do anything productive because, well, I don't know. I thought of a few things, but I don't want to do them. Eventually I just started doodling on sticky notes and on a piece of paper I used once to test colors. For some reason I always start drawing eyes in Manga style.

One more day until school starts and I haven't done a single thing related to that. I only read some things from those books my physics and computer science teachers gave me, but for the rest that's it. I still have to do that PE assignment which I got for not showing up too many times, and I probably have some essays coming up in a week or so. I am worrying about everything, it is just insane.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak


  1. What happened to the intros in the top left, like "With some loltards derping out!"
    It saddens me that theyre gone :(

    1. I could put them at the beginning again if you want.
