
Party at Isabelle's

With hours of waiting and a party!

One of my classmates had a talk about a news article during Dutch class. It sparked a huge discussion which lasted for at least 20 minutes. I just know that that guy is getting a high mark. I still have to do my talk, but the teacher doesn't know that. I hope. He probably does but I'm just going to keep denying that for my own sanity. I'm not good with talks, at all.

We had a arithmetic test in the library. The test was done online and it sucked. There was constant surveillance so it was hard to ask for answers from other people. I'm pretty bad at arithmetic and my mark just had to rub it in, again. I scored the exact same percentage as I did on my last test: 35%, which translates to a 3,7. For those who don't know what that means, it stands for an F. So it's the you-are-screwed sort of bad.

After one hour of waiting in the library, because I had a free hour, and one break, it was chemistry time. Such a joy. Our chemistry teacher, Mr Van Well, strode in and just punched me on the arm. I reacted very indignantly, which almost made him apologize. Almost. Isn't he a nice guy? As much as I like to hate on him for his lack of normal social interactions with students I must admit he's a brilliant chemistry teacher and was actually supported during the lesson; asking everybody if they needed help, and if they did they could always go to him. I was pretty surprised by this. In general he is always really sarcastic.

We had a test during English class. I learned 5 minutes before the test and scored something close to an 7 - 8. Not bad, although it could have been better. Because I can speak English so well I can't really be bothered to learn a list of really British words that we probably will never use in real life, ever. I just skim through the list and memorize the words I don't know, which are not a lot of words, and do the test. Those words always stick in my head somehow, so that's quite convenient.

During art history we talked about how well we did on the test from last week. Apparently I scored highest, which is rather weird since I didn't even have a bloody book to study. I only had blurry images of pages of my friend's book, who was not there today because she was ill. I hope she gets well soon.

I waited for an hour with my friend Katinka at our chill spot. I had to catch up an English test I missed some weeks ago. The "Catch Up" hour is always after 3 o'clock in classroom 670; the same classroom where I have computer science. You always have to be there soon since it get's flooded with people rather quickly. It was a grammar test and exceptionally easy to do. I was done 20 minutes early; enough time to cycle over to the other school building location where all the junior classes are. That's where the headquarters of the Decor building team is. I was going to meet up with Katinka and the rest of my friends there to go to Isabelle's house.

It was her birthday today. The original plan was that we were going to watch The Hunger Games II in the cinema, but it got canceled because her best friend, Birgit, was sick on that day. Birgit is the same person I mentioned earlier during the Art history class part. Birgit had organized the whole thing so we didn't want to be dipshits and go without her. Instead we had dinner at Isabelle's house and watched The Hunger Games I. Actually we just talked a lot and didn't really watch the movie, but it was fun!

At around 12 o'clock we were politely asked to evacuate the perimeters, in other words we were kindly kicked out. Katinka, and mostly I, didn't know the way back to school; our check point. Bart, my ex boyfriend, who is now Isabelle's boyfriend, lead us there and we derped so hard almost the entire way to our houses. Us three live incredibly close to each other so we all went in the same general direction. The Christmas lights looked so pretty. The streetlights were all off for reasons I don't know, and it looked utterly enchanting with those fancy lights hanging in the streets.

I came home and just sat my ass down. I was so tired from all social interactions, and the cycling, mostly the cycling, and went straight upstairs. I rolled myself in bed and derped off to sleep. I didn't even write in my blog for today really. I wrote it the day after, at 4 AM in the morning. I just felt all jumpy, wailing along to "Time To Say Goodbye" and "The Phantom of The Opera" to the extend that my sister suddenly barged in yelling at me to shut up since it was 2 in the morning. I couldn't exactly hear her yelling; I just saw her lips moving. The point was made, though.. Didn't stop me from wailing, though. I just turned the volume down a bit.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak


  1. Classroom 670? How BIG is that school?

    1. It has two locations. 670 is at the second floor.
