
The Monday After the holidays

Yesterday evening I specifically told myself that I was going to get up in time. So I thought. When you live 10 minutes away from school you always think you can still make it in time. It's the ultimate procrastination trap.

I rolled out of bed at 7:20, got dressed and barely managed to gulp down some tea, only to hurry off with a bag that weight a ton to the shed where my bike resides. When I finally arrived at school I had this smug smile on my face for some reason. I just felt smug. I managed to dive out of the line of sight of Mrs Gillisen, the principle, into the connecting hallway. I felt like such a ninja. 

Luckily Mr Moelker, my maths teacher, was very casual about my late appearance and he started giving his signature notes. The kind of notes that makes everyone's brains turn to goo. And that at first thing in the morning. On a Monday. On a Monday right after the holidays. That man truly knows no mercy. That, or he is just so passionate about the subject that he can talk about it all day. I think it's the latter, Mr Moelker is very compassionate and quite frankly, a genius.

The second hour was quite amusing with none other than our fabulous biology teacher Mr Dirkx. We talked about vaginas and balls. I know I shouldn't, but I felt quite awkward by his colorful and flamboyant statements of the genitals of the human body.

During art class today our teacher Mr. De Ligt gave us a paper and splattered two colors of acrylic oil paint on to it for us to copy with a medium we hadn't tried yet. It looked like a nosebleed, it so did. The motivation was mostly missing and I mostly chatted with my friend Birgit. I did produce something on my paper, though. Mr Ligt asked me to take a photo of the drain because it was splattered with some interesting colors. Now I don't know if I should send the photo to him or not. He did ask me to take it, but was it for him or for my own progress.

I discovered I forgot my wallet when I wanted to go to the Plus to get the day special of three croissants. My friend Marc wanted to pay for me but I don't want to owe anyone so I declined. We did a practical physics assignment today which went relatively well apart from the panick at the end. We weren't done at the end so I had to rush some answers. I hope it went alright; it counts as an accumaliteve mark for our school exams. I have no idea what it means but it sounds important. After all, it has the words "School exams" in it. At times my vocabulary is poor at best. On the sheet I spelled Marc's name like 'Mark', which made him get so angry at me. It was pretty funny. Everybody spells his name wrong, you see. It all started during one of the Gregorius Shows, where they spelled it like 'Mark' in the folders.

Today went by in a haze. I only slept like three hours, I just laid awake for several hours contemplating everything and nothing at the same time. It wasn't very productive and it sucked.

After school I stopped by the Bruna to check if they had the book I Am Number Four from the Lorien Legacies. They didn't have it so I ordered the English version of it. I could have ordered the Dutch version, but most Dutch books are really bad. Almost everything sounds better in English if you compare it to Dutch. Initially I was really scared to enter the store because I'm an awkward derp like that, but I managed to actually do it. It should be able to pick it up on Tuesday or Thursday next week. I'm really looking forward to it.

Once I reached my bed ROXANNE.EXE stopped working. I just flat lined with all my cloths still on. I only managed to take my jacket off. I was so tired. I slept till eight PM, giving me around five hours of sleep. After that I laid in bed until my mom called me saying we were eating take out chips. They were really nice. I did feel like the bin of the house that evening, though. I ate all the left overs. All of them. Almost three meals. I must say I was pretty full after that.

It's currently twenty one past midnight and here I am sipping my tea again. I did almost all my homework for tomorrow, except for mathematics. We don't have that tomorrow so I'm going to procrastinate on that. I hear my bed calling to me. Even though I had those five extra hours of sleep I'm still feeling tired.

I want to be a good student who always does her homework and pays attention during class. That is my new year resolve, and I shall stand fast. Tomorrow I'm going to try to just roll myself out of bed onto the floor with a dramatic smack. Maybe that will wake me up. I want to be able to sip my tea with all the time in the world like an old man.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak


  1. I feel for Mark...
    Everyone spells my name with "e" where the "a" in "Samual" is.
    Spellchecker even thinks I have spelt MY OWN name wrong, with the little red line under me.

    1. And yet you spell is name wrong too. It's with a 'c' at the end. Derp.

  2. Did I put that there on purpose?We'll never know...
