
Sherlock S3E1

Well, happy 2014, I guess. My sister got completely wasted which caused quite a scene with a certain someone flailing off a certain  couch in a mess of slurred speech and swear words. The most brilliant thing is that I recorded the whole thing and I, along with my mom and my second mom; my mom's best friend, took pictures. My second mom's child also got totally wasted and got really sick at around three in the morning. It wasn't pretty. Eventually my sister ended up staying over at their house while my mom and I took a cab home.

The New Years Eve party was pretty nice. There was a lot of food and there was this Greek guy c called Tas who eventually could come over as well. It wasn't certain if he could go or not. A friend of Jack, the boyfriend of my second mom, Cora, called Henry came over for a moment too to wish up a happy new year at around one. He doesn't speak any English so it was pretty funny when he tried to wish Tas, who doesn't speak Dutch that well and talks mostly English to us, a happy new year.

The fireworks were really pretty. There were a few people some streets away that spend a ton of money on these beautiful flower beds. We had one smaller version of those and it looked really pretty. We almost missed the countdown to midnight, but got on the right channel just as they were going 30, 29, 28, ... 3, 2, 1, and then the whole room exploded with cheering, hugs and kisses.

I went to bed at around six in the morning. I set my alarm at five PM to make sure that I wouldn't miss Sherlock S3E1 that broadcasted this evening. And damn, it was magnificent. It was like a mind fuck, in a mind fuck, IN A MIND FUCK. So yeah, I absolutely loved it and I'm so looking forward to Sunday, when they are broadcasting S3E2.

I still have a link open with a video of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary episode. I haven't watched it. I wanted to watch it on Old Years Day, but I didn't plan my time out right so I couldn't. I might even watch it tonight. I think I'm going to roll up in a ball and cry my heart out at the Christmas Special from what little information the internet has fed me yet.

I still haven't vacuum cleaned my floor yet, and I can't do it now either because then my mom will complain about the noise. I'm just going to fold cloths and hang the new batch of washed ones in my drying tower accompanied with some music and a cup of tea.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak


  1. I havent even seen a single episode of Sherlock, so I have no idea what the big deal is :P
    If it's THAT good I may start watching it.

    1. It really is THAT good. I highly recommend it. :)
