
Sandwich in the shades

What I forgot to mention yesterday, the reason that I was rattling on about my physics teacher; Mr Endert all that time, was because of the following: I asked him what the weirdest thing was that he encountered in the classroom. His answers made me bent double in a fit of laughter. I did so not expect that. Apparently it so happened to be that there was a sandwich hanging in the shades when he entered the class room. I did not expect that. It sounded better when he said it; in such an incomprehensible tone with a hint of amusement. Hilarious.

He also told of an incident with a dripping orange hanging from the broken frames of a painting in the back of the class room. Someone seemingly so threw an orange at the painting, breaking the glass frame, and thereby leaving the fleshy orange dripping juice from the back of the room. It's hard to comprehend that people do such things. The one that that really had me puzzled about this curious case of "What the actual fuck?" was how they managed to do it. A glass frame is pretty strong, and breaking it with a bloody orange must have required quite a lot of muscle power. Also the fact that it was an orange. A bloody orange.

I was almost late for Dutch class this morning when I once again procrastinated on rolling out of bed. I for to drink tea all together as I threw stuff in my school bag, conjuring up a plan on how I was going to survive mathematics 6th period. I didn't have my homework and from past experiences I want to avoid that in case of repeating unfortunate events regarding Mr Moelker and my homework, or better said, lack of said homework.

I've been making mathematics homework throughout the day. I did it while we were watching the movie Thirza during Dutch class, and during Mr Van Well's disturbing chemistry classes where he had a rant on religion, but not during social studies. During social studies we began with that project where we have to form our own political group and work towards an end debate of epic proportions. Probably nothing special but I like to think of it as this fierce battle between two great world powers, and the winner will be able to change the course of history. I've been watching too many political orientated movies, I guess.Our political group is called NNP, standing for 'Nederlandse natioliste partij' (='Dutch Nationlistic Party').

Going into politics seems rather interesting to me. I might give it a try in the future. Starting from the bottom by joining a political group, and working my way up from there. It's something else entirely from being a scientist but it's something to hold into consideration if everything else fails.

Mr Lies, my English teacher with the many dates, told us that he was dumped today. Poor man. He also suggested to go to a movie sometime with the whole class. Not during school time then because no one will behave then with flying crisps and chewing gum everywhere. He has a very valid point. If people go there on their own free will they are much more motivated not to behave like a band of immature kids. I think it's a wonderful idea. 

When I entered the classroom 545; Mr Linckens' old classroom and the place where we had the privilege to have mathematics, Mr Moelker suddenly said "You are number one" when I stepped into the classroom. It was a bit weird until he began giving other people numbers too. We worked in groups that hour discussing today's homework. Luckily I had finished my homework throughout the day, working during class and breaks. If that isn't dedication.

Ruella was kind enough to let me borrow one of her fancy maps where I could put my art essay in to make it look mighty fancy. We were waiting for Mr De Light at the Dean's office. Mr De Light is besides my art teacher, also a dean. He has is an office and all, pretty fancy. I turned in my art essay and I hope it's decent enough. I analyzed a painto of Monet: A Bouguet of Sunflowers. I choose that painting because I made it in 3rd grade for art class. Eventually it got auctioned for around 35 Euros. Mr Van der Kamp has it standing in his office now.

You can see my old economy teacher, Mr De Graaf, holding a microwave standing behind the person holding the painting. Marc is sitting at the table writing down the bids. At that time he had a broken arm. After the auctions Mr Van der Kamp shaved off his beard, something his wife was so pissed about it. He did he because the auctions brought up quite a lot of money.

While I was on the road I thought about checking if my book has come in yet at the Bruna. I was cycling past it but I didn't go inside. They would call me if they had it, which is probably on Thursday.

I took a five hour long nap after getting home. It was really weird because I wasn't really asleep. I had music on the entire time and I constantly dozed off. I even had this weird dream which I can't remember now I'm trying to recall it. But it was weird. I had some pee soup, and took two bags of popcorn with me upstairs. They still have to be micro waved. Now I have a mighty fancy microwave I can do it in my room! It will be grand.

I was planning on making some while watching Ripper Street. I still haven't seen episode one yet. I think I'm going to do it an other time. Maybe in a couple of days. I have a religion essay tomorrow. I have two free hours tomorrow in the middle of my schedule so that gives me more than enough time to study a bit and make my chemistry homework.

Thursday is my time to shine during PE as a stand-in teacher. Our PE teacher, Mrs Van Dijk, is making us give lessons of choice in duos. I hope my PE buddy will be there. Tamara wasn't there today and we still have to discuss who is going to do what. We're going to give a lesson on hand ball, which I know nothing about. Seems like someone has some studying to do.

I'm going to drink a cup of tea and then go to bed again. I feel so tired, I really need to get those B12 shots again for my own sake. If only I wasn't such a procrastinating chicken I would have gotten my medication weeks ago. But then again, who would I be if not a procrastinating tea loving nerdy whining bastard?

I also have to start doing some laundry again. The game is back on with new laundry to wash!

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak

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