
Sobbing over 11

Today is Friday. Meaning that yesterday was Thursday. Meaning that I was too late with calling back my boss about whether I could work on Friday, today, or not. I hope I don't get in trouble because of that. Probably not, but I actually wanted to make a little extra money, so this opportunity was actually a nice way to do that.  

I went outside to go to the nearest Plus; a grocery store of the sorts, to get some tea and biscuits to with said tea. Of course, at the exact time I wanted to leave it started raining like crazy. I waited it for a bit. My mom asked me to bring sweet cream cheese in peppers for her, too. While I was walking, outside, I felt so nervous for some reason. I don't go outside a lot you see, maybe that was the reason why I felt that way.

When I was almost there I remembered seeing my old mathematics teacher, Mr Adrieans, in the Plus when we were getting a cake for Katinka's birthday party with my friends about a year ago. It was in that exact same Plus and he was with his little adorable son. He was going on about red food dyes in, and how that makes him hyperactive. That's why he was looking at the back of all these candy bags to check for this. The whole situation was a funny coincidence.

On the way back my bag was loaded. It was bulging out from both sides and it was difficult to carry the thing due to the weight. When I got home I showed the pepperschnaps I got for my mom to her, and she asked me if I ever heard of the Fresh vegetable department, saying I could as well throw it away immediately since the ones I got her were disgusting. She came around later and told me they were fine, though.

I tried out the Moroccan Mint tea flavor first, and it was pretty good. Very fresh. I put all my tea in my Pick wick tea box, which I finally cleaned, and used the empty tea boxes to store my biscuits in.

This evening I watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013: The Time of the Doctor, and wow, I sobbed for at least 10 minutes straight during, and after the ending. I immediately looked up the soundtrack that played at the end of the episode, which only tore me up more. After grieving for the death of the 11th Doctor I drank some more tea. There were just so many feels then. So many feels. The scene was done magnificent. I didn't realize I loved 11 so much until he was gone. I hated him at first, then I thought he was fine, and then he was the Doctor. The Doctor.

I can't stop eating biscuits while I'm drinking tea, it's dramatic. Luckily I have, well had, 4 rolls of them. Now I only have 3 left. I ate lasagna while I started watching the Christmas special of Doctor Who. It took me ages to find, but it was worth it. 

I still have laundry to do which I didn't do yesterday.

Well, that was my day. How was yours? 

- knetterzak


  1. Damn it, I was gonna post a "feels" GIF but then I realised... I dont know how to. ._.
