
Steam Punk Pirate Dreams

I had the weirdest dream tonight. I was a pirate, of the sorts, I think. I was also a woman, but everybody saw me as a guy because I had short hair and was utterly flat chested. That, and the fact that I was prancing my fancy arse around through fire and explosions in an even mighty fancier suit. It looked utterly magnificent in my dream. But then again, I guess dreams come true in your dreams. Inception.

Everything in your dreams is based of on what you know. Stuff you have seen, like for example faces. This particular piece of information made me come to the conclusion that I probably have been reading too much Sherlock fan fiction. That hot tall, fair skinned man in black with those black curls flailing in the air on that ship deck while the world burned in the background. Yeah, too much Sherlock fan fiction. That won't stop me from reading more of it, though. It was a good dream. I should have more of those.

I hit the snooze button repeatedly to make the dream carry on as long as possible until it slipped from my mind forever. You forget what you dreamed about approximately ten minutes after waking up, so all I was trying to do was holding on to that dream so it wouldn't be lost in the void of my mind. Fortunately, that worked. Now I'm thinking of writing a short story  about it. A manuscript of the sort. I've done that before with an other dream I had. I should combine all the weird shit I've dreamed into a dream compilation one day. It will be fancy.

As usual I had to work today. And as usual I asked my mom six times what time it was before I headed out. I like to be right on schedule, you see. I always leave at around 12:45. Then I will arrive at the perfect time as to have enough time to put on my work cloths, but be able to leave right after that to avoid social interactions when I don't feel like having those with the excuse that "that I have to go and tend to the blue crates".

I always enter the store with a neutral expression, but when I enter the canteen I'm grinning like a fool. Why this is? Well, because I am a nervous wreck about greeting people on my way through the store. For some reason I always feel obligated to smile as I greet people to let them know I am happy to see them, regardless of that statement is true or not. No point in giving other people a crappy feeling whenever I am the one feeling down.

We had half an hour overtime, that is how bad today was. Customers were asking hard questions, sometimes even two at the same time, and with no one to turn to for an answer and not knowing the answer myself I felt pretty damn stupid on multiple occasions. I had to rush the cleaning of the canteen, which I didn't really like. I had brought my phone and headphones for some music, but I couldn't really listen to a lot of my playlist this day, unfortunately. 

I was home at around seven. I made a hamburger. When I was seasoning it I accidentally mistook the chili pepper for regular pepper, which made it super spicy. I don't like spicy food so I thought I had totally ruined my burger. To compensate for the wildfire that the burger would cause in my mouth I loaded so much cheese on my bread roll that the layer of cheese was almost as thick as the burger. It tasted magnificent, although it looked like a mis-hap of a burger: there was cheese sticking out everywhere.

I lit my candles tonight to get some warmth in my room. This didn't really go according to plan since I left the door open with my stupid head. On the bright side I did get to take a few nice photographs of the burning lights.

I looked up the first episode of Ripper street, which is now just sitting there, untouched. I got the video all set and ready to go, but I never actually hit "Play". I procrastinated about watching it to this point, and beyond. The exact thing I told myself I wouldn't do while I was looking a link for the episode. Unfortunately that ship was as doomed as the Titanic this evening.

The business trip is tomorrow, just like the release of the final episode of season three of Sherlock on BBC One. We're going to leave from the store at around 12:45 in a group. We will be cycling with a group of co-workers to the destination that is given on the little map that came with the original invitation. I'm really relieved that I can cycle with a group now. On multiple occasions it so happened to be that I was half an hour late, or didn't show up at all, all because I couldn't find the place where we were supposed to be at. I'm still nervous about the whole thing, though. Just to a lesser degree now, fortunately.

I came to the realization that I am totally in love with the Steam punk clothing style. So old school, so modern, so fancy. Also, I think that the reason that I dreamed about pirates this morning was because of what Mr Elsenaar was telling us about the Gospels of the Flying Spaghetti Monster during computer science a couple of days ago. Dressing as a pirate is a thing for Pastafarians. Pretty cool if I must say so myself.

I have made a plan of what I am going to submit for that writing competition I mentioned earlier: I'm going to compile a few of my blog posts and make it look all fancy and stuff. It's worth a shot. On a whole different note, I stuffed my face with cookies this evening. No regret.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak

1 comment:

  1. Knetter can't be tamed.
    Knetter:*eats cookies*
    "Fuck yea"
