
Blue Crate Saturday

With crates and cute dogs done in ASCII!

I always work on Saturday. I got up, got dressed, did all the other stuff one does when they get ready for work, and arrived 10 minutes early.

I started with doing my usual task: Blue crates. For people who are not familiar with 'supermarkets behind the screens'; blue crates are left overs of that didn't fit in the shelves. My job is to refill the shelves with these left overs. The job was done rather quickly since I had a few noobies helping me. It's so adorable to watch my past self sometimes.

Today was a special day I suppose; 2 people were all dressed up giving pumpkin soup and risotto to everybody. One was dressed up as a witch, I don't know what the other one was supposed to be. I guess a witch as well, who knows. Dwarf..? It was all pretty hilarious and well done. It was for a Halloween action, or so I heard.

During my break I tasted some of that pumpkin soup and daaaaamn, that stuff is good. I got a recipe of it right after, but I lost it. More about that later. Apparently we had an other break in: the buglers broke open all the lockers in the canteen, and work cloths were littered everywhere. Damn thieves making a bloody mess, they didn't even have the courtesy to leave the place in a decent state. Then again, what do you expect of buglers? At least they didn't leave a screwdriver in the front door this time, it's an improvement. Not really, but ninja mode in the canteen is easier on the customer's eye than a tool sticking out the front door.

After my break I was just doing something of this, and something of that, but mostly making the store look fancy; putting everything at the front, etc. It's that sort of task where you don't need a brain for. Relaxing, but awfully dull. My heart goes out to the 3 people who couldn't get their whipping and sour cream. It was all sold out. Sorry you guys, I checked the freezer but that only had a ton of yoghurt. 

At 5:30 PM, 30 minutes before closing time, this girl walks up to me and asks for the recipe of the risotto they served today. I asked like 5 people before I got heard that there aren't any printed recipes. The computer derped and couldn't print them out. Retarded computers at work are retarded, hehe. Eventually I did get her the recipe though, but it cost me my pumpkin soup recipe because the person who knows how to make it, wrote down the recipe on the back of mines. Luckily I can ask my college, who made the soup, for the recipe later. Not all hope is lost!
After work I was in a panic. It was raining, and I had left the window of my room open. One time I did the same and when it rained my whole bed got soaked. So I texted my mom with something like this: "Close the window of my room.!#$%$^%&^*". When I got home she had closed the window, and there wasn't any actual damage at all really. I guess that was because there wasn't such a strong wind.

We watched two movies tonight; RED 2, and Turbo. I loved RED 2, and Turbo was alright. My mom was totally in love with that movie, turbo, and insisted on watching it with us. It was a succeeded evening, but now I really want some alone time.
I have mixed feelings about the new YouTube comment system. It's so confusing, but then I saw this awesome picture of a dog done with ASCII and it put doubt in my mind. Damn awesome artists with their awesome art putting doubt in my mind.


Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- knetterzak


  1. So much trouble for pumpkin soup...but then again I didnt taste it, did I?Or DID I?
    No, I didnt.
    That dog is amayshing....

    1. ░░░░░░░░▌▒█░░░░░░░░░░░▄▀▒▌

      Appearantly it's ASCII of Doge. So wow, much talent.
