
Sleepy Sunday

Sunday with sunshine and showers.

Sunday is Sunday. In general nothing really happens on this particular day. I woke up at somewhere around 8:40, but slept till roughly 2 PM.

My sister barged into my room asking about my mathematics book when I was enjoying the sun from my bed. She has exams coming up and she wanted to use my book to study things from last year. She is one class higher than me, much to my annoyance. She generally acts like a big know-it-all. We talked maths for like half an hour till she offered to take my old shitty blackboard with her. I was pretty happy with that because it's a shitty blackboard I made myself. It's really rough and needs sand papering. Too bad my sister came back 10 minutes later returning the damn thing. She also discovered it's rather derpy.

I took a shower, a very long shower, and just crawled in my bed with my hair still wet and wrapped in a towel. Slept till ~6:15 PM, which is like 3 hours. I woke up and just laid there in the dark for an other hour. I heard the buzzing of my phone on my couch and got out of bed. My mom was on the line calling me that I had to eat something.
I put my robe on and went downstairs. I had some French baguette, or French bread, and I watched The Walking Dead with her.

My agenda says there is no homework for tomorrow, but I know it's a TRAP. No way my maths teacher wouldn't load us with homework, and then there is biology. A trap I tell you, a trap. I better start doing some homework, but I would have to get my mathematics book back first, though.

I also read volume I and volume II of Lackadaisy; a fancy cat manga sort of deal. I recommend you check it out; it's fab.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

PS: The picture at the top was taken  some time ago when I was on my way to the airport for my flight to Ireland. I was going to visit my boyfriend there.

- knetterzak


  1. I will check out that fabou cat manga, actually ._.
    Was it a trap?Find out next time, on KNETTERS, DERP, STORIIIIES!!!

  2. http://www.lackadaisycats.com/index.php You can read it there.
