
Exploding can excursion

A story with dissapointment, exploding cans and meat shields.


My morning started off pretty good. Managed to get out of bed (jay!), and I wasn't late for school. During biology class I heard the news that today was the date of the excursion exclusively for the students taking applied mathematics in my year. That is where the stress started since I am one of those students. I practically ran out of the classroom after explaining the situation to my biology teacher and hoarded all my books into my locker.

I didn't know the location of the place where we had to be, so I asked the janitor for directions and arrived there 15 minutes early. Unfortunately I didn't know the address, and there were like 5 different locations of the institution I had to be at. I waited and waited, but no one showed up and I didn't see any bikes owned by any of my classmates. A little bit worried I circled the area until the bus station clock said it was already past 9 AM.

I left for school again, very disappointed and mad with myself for being to much of a baby chicken to enter one of the buildings to inform. At school I asked for directions again and  the principle, as the nice lady she is, printed out a sheet with directions for me. The janitor had given me the right directions earlier, but not the final destination.

I jumped on my bike, sheet with the directions in hand, and went back to the same place, only this time one street further. Again, I couldn't find it, and didn't dare to go inside one of the buildings to inform, so I gave up. I had been looking forward to that trip for weeks, and now I didn't get to go. I was so frustrated.

Once I was home I just dropped myself in my mom's desk chair and ate a banana with some music. I just felt like stuffing my face to 'eat the disappointment away'. The joy of being alone didn't last long. My mom barged in after several minutes and started yelling to me as to "Why I am not at school". I shall not bore you with any details on that matter, but in the end she wrote a letter to the department head of my educational level. You could call it a dean of the sorts, but it's not really a dean.
Eventually I went back to school again since I had nothing better to do and if I had stayed in the house for a bit longer I would have died of awkwardness.

School was easily described for this day: Relaxing but so dull. There were only six other students present, since all the others were at the excursion *sob*. We ended up doing nothing at all for two whole hours.
We could just do whatever we wanted at Religion, our first hour. I just listened to some music and did some maths homework in that hour. The second hour, chemistry, was a bit more useful since apart from everybody being permitted to just leave, I stayed behind with 4 other people to ask questions about things for the upcoming test. Eventually we all migrated to the canteen since all the questions were asked and answered before the hour concluded.

In the canteen a classmate bought everybody cheap drinks, except for me (even though I am the person that actually hangs out with him during the breaks, but that is a story for an other time), and in the last minute one of the cans exploded and some of it sprayed in my face, which was not the most pleasant experience if I must say. At least I wasn't in the front line, there were people that had the stuff splattered all over themselves. There was also a couple that sat in front of me, and the boy used the girl as a meat shield, hehe.

Before our last hour we had a break, and I asked the boy who I hang out with, the one who throws free stuff in people's face, yeah that one, what the excursion was like. He wasn't too informative about it, but I still hate it that I missed it.

The last hour of the day was Dutch language & literature. Nothing special about that really. All the people from the excursion had returned and we just followed a standard class. Boring.
I had to cycle home in the rain, and now I want someone to throw chocolate at me.

Well, that was my day. How was yours?

- Roxanne